Pre-School Transition
At Hope School our aim is to give each child a smooth, non-threatening transition to school.
We acknowledge and value this transition as not a single event...... instead it is a process of working with families and their children.
Preparing children and forming trusting relationships are both vital steps in this process of transition towards school.
If you are considering Hope School as the place for you and your child then please feel free to visit our school at any time or give the office a call to make an appointment with Kathrine Mytton our Principal. Kathrine will give you a tour of the school and answer any questions you may have. When you have decided Hope School is the place for you.... there will be some enrolment paper work to complete at our school office.
Approximately 1 or 2 months before your son/daughter is due to start school you will get an email from the New Entrant Teacher to arrange school visits. These visits are for you and your child to become familiar with class routines, other children, the teacher and the wider school facilities.
There are usually four separate visits on Friday and Wednesday mornings from 9am till 12:30pm. (if these days are inconvenient another day can be arranged) An adult needs to stay with your child during these visits. Over this transition period the New Entrant teacher might also make an appointment to visit your child's preschool or Kindergarten.
We look forward to meeting and working with you. You will find all our contact details on our "Contact Us" page included in this website
Some information from the Ministry of Education regarding transition to school.