Grants Received

Hope School wishes to thank the following organisations who have provided funding to assist in making our school a fantastic place.  

We have received funding from:


Pub Charity

$10,000 funding for 10 MacBooks and 20 iPads

Tasman District Council

$1,000 towards the costs of keeping our school swimming pool open for school families and the community during the summer holidays.


Tasman District Council

$1,000 towards the costs of keeping our school swimming pool open for school families and the community during the summer holidays.

Pub Charity

$10,000 funding for 10 MacBooks and 3 storage charging units

Max E Grants

$2,000 for teacher aide hours

Sport Tasman

$1,000 for No Child Left Inside


Pub Charity

$10,000 funding for window blinds and new pool filter and pump

Tasman District Council

$1,000 towards the costs of keeping our school swimming pool open for school families and the community during the summer holidays.

Max E Grants

$2,000 for teacher aide hours


Tasman District Council

$1,000 towards the costs of keeping our school swimming pool open for school families and the community during the summer holidays.


Tasman District Council

$1,000 towards the costs of keeping our school swimming pool open for school families and the community during the summer holidays.

Pub Charity Limited

$1,565 to fund whole school visit to Whakatu Marae.

Pub Charity Limited

$10,000 assisting with the purchase of ICT equipment.

Forbes Robinson Memorial Trust

$3,590 to assist with the costs of the Forbes Robinson reading programme.


Pub Charity Limited

$4,066 assisting with the purchase of 11 Chromebooks.

Forbes Robinson Memorial Trust

$4,112 to assist with the costs of the Forbes Robinson reading programme.

Tasman District Council

$1,000 towards the costs of keeping our school swimming pool open for school families and the community during the summer holidays.

$436 towards recycling facilities for the Country Fair.

$2,000 from the Creative Communities Scheme for updating school murals.