Dogs At School
Dogs in School Grounds Procedure Introduction
This document aims to ensure the safety and well-being of all members of the Hope School community.
The procedure makes it explicit that dogs will not be allowed in school buildings (unless on a specific invited visit). The procedure and Code of Conduct make it clear that bringing dogs to school is a privilege not a right.
Dogs are an important part of life for many Hope School families, and as such, are often included in day-to-day activities such as walking children to and from school. This has the potential to reduce some of the traffic congestion in and around the school gate. The school does though, recognise that for some families (and individuals) contact with dogs can be stressful, even frightening.
To this end, the procedure sets out a "Code of Conduct" for all families wishing to bring their dogs onto the school grounds. If you do not comply with the below Code of Conduct your dog may be excluded from school grounds between 8.00am and 4.00pm during the school week. Existing council by-laws already cover issues such as dog restraint and the need for owners to pick up their dog’s excrement and these should be upheld at all times on school property.
The Dog Control Act 1996 requires owners to keep their dogs under control. The Act also requires that owners ensure their dogs do not cause a nuisance (eg. through barking or defecating); do not cause damage to property; or injure, endanger or cause distress to any person or domestic animal.
Code of Conduct
All adults intending to bring their dogs to school must adhere to the Code of Conduct.
All dogs must be on a leash that keeps the dog close to the adult.
At no time should a dog be left unattended.
Dog’s leashes need to be held by adults only.
No dogs are allowed on or near the barked adventure playgrounds as children have to feel free to be able to play away from dogs.
No dogs accompanying children to and from school are allowed inside any school buildings.
Owners are responsible to remove any excrement left by their dog on the school grounds and failure to do so will mean the dog will no longer be allowed in the school grounds and/or reported to Tasman District Council.
Owners, when bringing dogs on to the site, do so with an absolute understanding that their dog has no issues around children, has never displayed any aggression towards children and that the owner believes the dog is fully trustworthy in a school environment.
Hope School Staff Shared / BOT Policies & Procedures / H&S / 20.
Adopted September 2018
A family dog being allowed at school is a privilege and not a right.
All families of Hope School’s community are deemed to comply with the Dog in School Code of Conduct. The code is on the school website. The Principal retains the prerogative to direct that a dog is not to be brought into the school grounds between 8.00am and 4.00pm during the school week.